I’ve just been alerted that for some users, the Broken Wings combi isn’t playing the drum sound properly. I wanted to provide a fix to this ASAP, since I realize that not everyone is going to have the same UU-BB bank. When I built the sounds I used on track 10 a drum sound called […]
Welcome to Audora Audio! I’m VERY excited to present to you your home for custom synthesis and learning. Officially, today, is the launch date. There’s been a lot of work behind the scenes to get things like Paypal working as well as Google integration and Facebook integration. I personally hate needing to remember a bajillion […]
So Audora is taking a little longer to launch than I originally thought – it’s actually pretty natural though considering the amount of work it takes, crossing eyes and dotting tees. You know, usual tech lingo. At any rate, each day I get to add a little more content so there’s actually something here for everyone to […]
Launching a site is no small task, I have to admit. Launching an entire brand? I had absolutely no idea the kinds of things you need to consider, think about and actually do. That said, let’s get into what’s been going on with Audora as of late: 1 – We have a facebook page […]
This is pretty new right now, but in the meantime – Welcome to the homesite for AUDORA! Your home for synthesis custom creations! The site is going to be having some pretty dramatic changes over the next few weeks until I can get everything up and running, but in the meantime this will have to […]